2020, VOL. 3 ISSUE 2, PART APages: 14-17

Homeschooling: An alternative option

Mrs. Siddiqui Uzma
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The Covid -19 pandemic has significantly disrupted the education system. It has had an unprecedented impact on school education. It has affected a large number of school going children, due to the lockdown & extended school closures. It has given rise to self and virtual learning situations. There has been a shift in the person imparting knowledge. Parents have taken control of their child’s education. Parents who are dissatisfied with the prevalent traditional education system have shifted their focus to a more evolved dynamic and progressive education where the children follow their self-directed path. Homeschooling is thus gaining popularity among parents who want to take the sole responsibility of imparting knowledge to their children with the support of different learning resources. The curriculum can be tailored as per the child’s requirement and thus help work on the child’s strong areas. Experiential learning has gained momentum which is centered around the belief that children have the ability to construct knowledge. Learning can be blended between online or through books which can be semi-structured or structured.
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